KF - R: Procedures for Community Use of School Facilities


In accordance with Policy KF, use of school facilities by community groups must adhere to the following procedures.


General Provisions:

  1. No alcoholic beverages may be brought onto school property at any time;
  2. Tobacco use shall not be allowed on school property at any time;
  3. School facilities may not be used for any illegal purposes;
  4. Community adults and children are free to use outdoor grounds and facilities for recreation when school is not in session , or whenever not otherwise scheduled.  However, formal approval of buildings and grounds use will only be granted to recognized organizations and groups;
  5. Non-school functions which interfere with the school schedule or school-sponsored activities will not be scheduled at any school;
  6. Special permission must be given by the building administrator, in consultation with the superintendent, if school facilities are to be used for personal gain or for meetings of a sectarian nature;
  7. Depending on the nature of the event, the presence of a police officer may be required by the administration.  Police presence would be paid for by the function sponsors;
  8. School kitchens shall not be used for non-school purposes unless approved by both the building administrator and the Food Service Director.  Because State health laws require at least one trained/certified individual when using a public kitchen, hiring district kitchen staff will be required; (See Staff Presences and Fees below.)
  9. The building administrator or athletic director may reject a request for any school facility use, if in his or her opinion, such use would be detrimental to the facility;
  10. Repeat use may be denied to any group which has not demonstrated appropriate conduct and care.


Scheduling Priority:

  1. In all cases, the regular school activities or organizations of the school shall have first preference in requests for the use of any school facility, providing it has not already been reserved.  Where approval is issued for regular use (such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, etc.), school activities and organizations take precedence over the regularly-scheduled outside activity.
  2. Use of facilities that provide access to residents of the district will be of second priority.  In cases where multiple groups in this category are requesting the same access, consideration will be given to frequency of use, residence of members, and participation requirements.  The District’s goal will be to accommodate groups as much as is reasonable.
  3. All other groups will have third priority.




  • Should a group wish to cancel a reserved date, the administrator's office must be notified at least 24 hours in advance of the specified time and date of the event, or the group will suffer forfeiture of the facility use fee. If no notice is received by the administrator and the group fails to appear within one hour after the activity is scheduled to start, the group shall be liable for the costs of any extra-service custodian scheduled for that period, in addition to the forfeiture of the facility use fee. In the event of unavailability of a facility due to emergencies or inclement weather, the sponsor will be notified by the facility administrator or athletic director, as appropriate. Public information regarding that group's cancellation is the responsibility of the sponsor and not the district.



  • The Mt. Ararat Sports Boosters shall have right of first refusal for concessions at athletic events.
    • â—‹Fee-exempt groups – no fee to operate concessions
    • â—‹All others - $50 per event to operate concessions



  • All checks for the payment of fees shall be payable to: M.S.A.D. No. 75., and submitted to the building administrator.



  • A certificate of insurance shall be required as appropriate to the particular use (with potential for damage).  The intent of requiring a certificate of insurance is to hold harmless M.S.A.D. No. 75 from damage costs and liability claims which may result during a function not directly sponsored by the district.  When required, the group sponsoring the event will present to the building administrator a certificate of insurance, naming the district as an additional insured.  The certificate will indicate the following coverage: $400,000.00 combined bodily injury and property damage, or $400,000.00 bodily injury and $400,000.00 property damage.


Requesting the use of school facilities:

  • A written request for building use is required and should be submitted to the building administrator at least ten (10) working days in advance. (See KF-E)  Upon approval, fees will be collected by the building administrator.
  • The building administrator shall keep a calendar of the use of the school facilities, subject to review by the Superintendent or Board of Directors at any time.



  • Groups must comply with all national and state laws, local ordinances, and rules of the police and fire departments regarding public assemblies. The sponsoring group must provide sufficient police and fire department attendance, if deemed necessary by the building administrator.


Staff Presence and Fees:

  • The building administrator, or a designated employee, shall be present at all non-school functions within the building.
  • A custodian shall be responsible for the building under his/her charge for all events on a Saturday, Sunday, a holiday, or a time when a custodian is not normally present.  The building shall be opened, lighted, heated, cooled (where available) and properly prepared for such occasions. At the conclusion of such events, the custodian shall see that the building is properly closed.
    • The fee for custodial support is $35 per hour


  • Exception to these (2) requirements:  An exception may be made for specific town recreation activities in a gymnasium that have been approved in advance by the building administrator, or the athletic director in the case of the high school. In such cases, the town recreation director (or designee) shall be responsible for security of the facility being used and for monitoring and controlling the activities.


  • Kitchen worker cost must be added to the total cost of kitchen use. 
    • The fee for kitchen staff is $24 per hour


Usage Fees:

For assistance in determining the application of usage fees, you are encouraged to use the Usage Fee Flow Chart.

  • Under no circumstances shall a school facility be used free of charge for a commercial enterprise. 
  • An approved request obligates any group to applicable fees.
  • Facility use on an occasional and limited basis may be granted without usage fee (not including any applicable staffing fees as noted above in Staff Presence and Fees):
    1. To not-for-profit educational, recreational, cultural and charitable organizations, having a majority of members who are residents of the district;
    2. To not-for-profit groups which present programs that are designed to be an educational, recreational or cultural benefit to local citizens;            
    3. To Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups who are grandfathered (since at least 1991).
    4. To political parties for the purpose of biennial caucusing.  (Fees for the use of kitchen staff will be assessed when applicable.  See General Provisions #8 above.)  (ref: 21-A M.R.S.A. §311)
    5. To formal parent-teacher organizations; and
    6. To municipal-sponsored groups and organizations from within the district.


For purposes of this procedure, occasional and limited use shall be defined as use that does not regularly exceed twice per month, does not involve more than one space in a facility, and does not require opening a facility at a time when it would not normally be lighted, heated and staffed.


Other facility use by not-for-profit organizations, including any use that is more than occasional and limited, will be charged a usage fee as follows (in addition to any applicable staffing fees as noted above in Staff Presence and Fees):


                  Fee Chart A






$30.00/ day


Elem. Gym


Pro rate @ 10.00/hr.

Elem. Kitchen


(See note in gen. prov. section above)

HS/MS Kitchen


(See note in gen. prov. section above)

MTA Commons


Pro rate @ 15.00/hr.



Pro rate @20.00/hr.

MS/Elem café


Pro rate @ 10.00/hr.

Main Park. Lot (alone)



Satellite Park lot (alone)



Athletic fields *


Daily Max of $100.00

Sound system



Video Equip., VCR, DVD Player, projector & screen

No fee, see Policy IIBD- Community Use of Learning Commons Materials


Charges for set up of additional tables and chairs:

50 chairs or less



51-150 chairs



151 + chairs




$3.00 Each


*Lighting cost is $10.00 plus hourly charge for custodial/grounds at Main High School field only.  Lighting is available April through October.


  • Groups or individuals not identified above, including individuals using facilities for personal events such as weddings, family gatherings, etc., shall be charged as follows (in addition to any applicable staffing fees as noted above in Staff Presence and Fees):


            Fee Chart B







Daily Max. of $120.00

Elem. Gym


Daily Max. of $240.00

Elem. Kitchen


Daily Max. of $120.00, (See note in gen. prov. section above)

HS/MS Kitchen


Daily Max. of $160.00, (See note in gen. prov. section above)

MTA Commons


Daily Max. of $300.00



Daily Max. of $400.00

MS/Elem. Café


Daily Max. of $240.00

Athletic Fields *


Daily max. of $100.00

Main park lot (alone)



Satellite Park lot (alone)



Sound system



Video Equip.

$30.00 (see Policy IIBD- Community Use of Learning Commons Materials)


VCR,DVD Player, projector & screen

$15.00 (see Policy IIBD- Community Use of Learning Commons Materials)


Charges for set up of additional tables and chairs:

50 chairs or less



51-150 chairs



151 + chairs




$3.00 Each


*Lighting cost is $10.00 plus hourly charge for custodial/grounds at Main High School field only.  Lighting is available April through October.


REVIEW:      June 23, 2016

REVIEW:      July 14, 2016

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